Friday, 20 September 2013

A Tale Of Two Planets.

It's kinda weird! I am sitting on the terrace of my favourite watering hole, watching the boats go sailing by as I sip on a cool glass of white summer wine while I write about red, dusty landscapes on a desolate, barren planet far away in the milky way.

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


I have recently joined the National Space Society which is dedicated to the advancement of human exploration, pioneering and settlements 'Out There', amongst the stars and on the planets. Led by 'Buzz' Aldrin, astronaut and moonwalker (Literally), and author of the recently released book,'Mission to Mars'. Click on the red prompt to go to their website.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


I have recently joined 'The Mars Society'. This society, founded and presided over by Dr. Robert Zubrin (Rocket Scientist to NASA and JPL, and author of the book- 'The Case for Mars'), is dedicated to advancing the technology and ability of humans to fly to Mars and create permanent settlements on the Red Planet. Just click on the above highlighted prompt to visit their website and find out what they are up to.

Monday, 17 June 2013


It seems that missions to Mars supporters are all a 'Buzz' after 'Buzz' Aldrin ( pilot and co-moonwalker on the Apollo 11 mission) released his book, 'Mission to Mars' recently He is also a fan and supporter of Robert Zubrin's 'Mars Direct' plan, the technology of which is explained in Robert Zubrin's book, 'The Case for Mars'. The technology that my astronauts used to 'Reach for Mars' was based on that same technology.

Monday, 13 May 2013


How many people out there believe in the existence of Aliens, and do you think that they are still called Aliens when they are at home? My point is this : When my six astronauts land on Mars they are aliens on the Planet Mars. After five years of surviving and living on Mars can they then call themselves Martians without anybody objecting to it? I don't suppose it really matters as there is nobody around to object anyway. Or is there? Visit the website at:

Saturday, 13 April 2013


G.F. was born on a dark, stormy, cold, wintry, windy and wild night in 1956. The scene fleetingly and fittingly lit by powerful and blinding bursts of lightning immediately followed by the rapid cannon-fire explosions of thunder.
Over the next several eventful years G.F. grew and grew until he was enrolled into a brand new High School at St.Ives, which looked decidedly second-hand when he left it seven years later. The teaching staff rejoiced and there was much drinking, merriment and dancing in the Quadrangle when G.F. left the school grounds for the last time.
G.F. then ventured out into the big wild world in search of fame and fortune, or at least gainful employment. Gainful employment he found as a New South Wales Government public servant for five and a half years, a legal clerk working for Solicitors for nineteen years, and a lawnmower for ten years before sacking himself and heading south of the border into Victoria in search of a new life with his woman.
The people of New South Wales rejoiced and there was much drinking, merriment and dancing in the streets. The people of Victoria did not rejoice, however. There was much drinking, but there was no merriment or dancing in the streets, just a resoundingly sullen, oppressive and malevolent silence.
G.F. now lurks, lives and writes in the hills above a coastal fishing and tourist town called Lakes Entrance. His first book, 'Reach for Mars' has just been published and can be viewed along with the first chapter of the soon to be published sequel, 'We are Martian' at: