Wednesday, 3 February 2016


When I entered the cafeteria a short while later, without my space suit but with clothes on, I found Mel, Sammy, and Nick sitting at one of the tables sipping coffees. Nick, who was facing the door when I walked in, looked up at me with a smirk on his face; his upper body was literally shaking with silent mirth. When Mel and Sammy glanced around at me, however, they just smiled with no smirking or shaking. This led me to assume that Nick had not issued an APB or a BOLO in relation to my early-morning naked wanderings of the darkened corridors of the Albatross.
I grabbed a coffee and joined them at the table. Nick reached over and sweetened my coffee as I sat down. He was still wearing the smirk on his face.
“I’m just showing the girls the photos I took of the alien ship,” he told me.
“Yeah, what is this supposed to mean?” Mel asked as she turned the screen of the laptop toward me. It displayed a photo Nick had taken of the port side of the alien ship with me in a kneeling, shooting position facing the bow of the ship with my pistol leveled at the flight deck windows. I shrugged.
“I thought it amusing,” I answered, feeling a little embarrassed.

Nick, who must have sensed my discomfort and embarrassment, said and did absolutely nothing except continue smirking. The bastard.

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